A blog about Trace and her races.

Posts tagged “Runner’s Booty

Pic of the Day: All Sorts of Glowing

One of my favorite tanks that I made for the ET Midnight Marathon last August.

One of my favorite tanks that I made for the ET Midnight Marathon last August.

Wow, I am all sorts of glowing tonight after my speed workout on the Santa Ana Bikeway: For one, I had a great workout, and for two, I forgot I had this glow-in-the-dark tank on when I went into the garage!

I had been dreading and prolonging this run all day long until I finally had to race the sunset. I think I was dreading both the heat and the mile repeats when at the end, they were both very comfortable. The difference in my speed work now, and when I used to train for marathons is that I am not running my repeats too fast. I don’t really have a desire to go too fast or run track workouts unless I plan on running some 5ks and I don’t. Tonight I logged 8 miles: 2-mile warm-up followed by 3 x 1-mile (with a .25 trot-like recovery), and a 2-mile cool-down. For some reason I kept thinking 6:30 pace would be very difficult but I found myself feeling very comfortable — probably could have done 6 if I had to (thank God I didn’t have to). Splits: 6:32/6:31/6:24